
Eidola brings together two distinct discipline-informed new media practitioners: one (William Brent) a computer-musician who makes objects, and the other (Ellen Moffat) a media artist who makes sound. Between the two, a cross-pollination occurs as sounds emerge through object presences. Sounds channeled into spatial dialogue, ghosts singing with ghosts through bodies of wire and wood: an interdisciplinarity of new media practice, realized through practices of disciplinary ghosting. In this way, Eidola grows from discussion of disciplinary biases and their impact on interdisciplinary and new media practices. In particular, the exhibition is informed by ongoing dialogue about approaches to sound composition, visual installation and new media arts production. Responding to direct community demand and critique, Eidola is an examination of interdisciplinary media practices that bring together audiences with backgrounds in music, technology, visual art, media, and interdisciplinary practice with the goal of engendering critical engagement with the intricacies of a hybrid artistic world.

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Open Space Artist Run Centre, Victoria, Canada
August 28 - October 3, 2009

Curated by David Cecchetto & Ted Hiebert

Featuring the work of William Brent & Ellen Moffat

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